Osteopatic Assesment

The initial consultation is a time for Gabriel to understand your current concerns as well as any previous trauma. By assessing the body's movement and strength, and finding out how you interact with your environment, he is able to create an individual treatment and healing plan based on the Osteopathic principles of restoring free and uninterrupted fluid and energy flow. This approach helps helps activate the natural healing processes in each client's body as well as to restore their physical and emotional well-being. As a certified Osteopathic practitioner, Gabriel helps teach clients the skills and knowledge needed to maintain a healthy, pain free lifestyle as well as reducing stress and anxiety.

At Cedar & Soul we provide client-centred care, combining both active and passive treatments. In clinic we individually tailor your treatment plan to your personal goals and concerns

Our Osteopathic services include treatment for:

  • Back pain and discomfort

  • Postural discomfort

  • Chronic pain

  • Joint and muscular pain

  • General health & wellness

  • Headaches & migraines

  • Sciatica

  • Flexibility

  • Strength & conditioning

  • Golf Biomechanics Optimization

  • RSI

  • Work Injuries

  • Rehabilitation

  • Neck Pain

  • Sporting injuries